Less Is More

I find that for many “the answer” is in doing less rather than doing more.

Doing LESS often leads to the MORE you want.

Flow, love, contentment and peace come when we stop always fixing.

Stop struggling.

Stop resisting.

They come when we start being.

Rather than doing.

Love, contentment, and peace come when we pause and are present.

They come when we allow the mess.

Allow our differences.

Allow imperfections in ourselves and others.

When we rest.


And nourish.

When we learn to let go of the struggle

Declutter our minds

Let go of drama and stories that don't make things better for us

When we stop resisting what we don't like.

And instead accept it.

Even if we don’t like it.

From there is where we find energy and clarity to see and find solutions.

There will always be problems and things to fix.

Every one of us will hopefully always be learning and growing

And working towards making the world a better place.

And we can and should experience joy and ease and calm and peace along the way.

It feels better and it leads to better.

If you are someone who finds it hard to show up this way for your life and loved ones, you are not alone. Learning to be mindful and working with a coach is magic to help you learn how to do this. Don’t suffer and struggle longer than needed.

I did and I wish I hadn’t.


Version 2.0


Remake Yourself