Version 2.0

What could it look like?

What should it look like?

How do you get there?

So many of us struggle to know exactly the what and the how of getting to a place that feels better

We feel stuck.

We think others need to change for us to feel better.

Sometimes we know it is we that need to change but we don’t know how.

Some of you have already done a lot of work on ourselves through therapy or other but version 2.0 isn’t ready for release yet.

We think we should be smart enough to figure it out ourselves.

If we push ourselves towards better we will get there.

And yet the decisions and actions to take to get there still elude us.

This was me a few years ago.

Version 1.0 to the rest of the world looked pretty successful and happy.

And yet underneath I was struggling and ready for an upgrade.

We all have different struggles right now-

Feeling Anxious





Like we are not enough

Like there should be more. Or less. Or different.

So many of us share versions of this.

From this place it's hard to see that you could feel


At peace


Clear headed




In control

of your life

your relationships

and yourself

Version 2.0 will not perfect

Covid, global warming politics, jobs, illness, and mental illness will all still exist.

The people you love and those you work with will all be the same.

And they will be imperfect.

You will still have cranky days.

You will still get anxious and angry sometimes

What will be different is that you will own your experience of your life.

The situation won’t be happening to you.

External circumstances won’t define you or your day or your life.

This is where freedom comes.

Mindful living allows you to see the beauty in the mess. To live and love fully despite chaos and uncertainty.

Version 2.0 will mostly choose actions that work for you

Notice the flowers and the wind.

Stop eating emotions

Connect with loved ones without wishing they or you were different

Rediscover passions.

Remember how to have fun.

Breathe more deeply.

Feel grounded and more alive.

Version 2.0 also can begin to see solutions for tidying the mess and moving forward.

Perhaps not initially, but with space and time.

Without the emotional and physical clutter, there is less of a future mess to tidy.

Helping you declutter your mind

Let go of your unnecessary struggles

So you can find calm, connect better with your loved ones, and start truly living your "one wild and precious life" --

this is what I do now

I help you upgrade to Version 2.0

A version that won’t look back with regret

One that enjoys laughter and love

Pursues passions and feels joy and fun

Even in 2020 amidst all the mess

These photos are of version 2.0 of me- a much lighter and freer version.

If you want to work on the 2.0 version of you, reach out.


Love Would Stay Married 53 Years


Less Is More