Courage is feeling fear and doing it anyway

Four years ago, I decided I wasn't too old to make a huge change. 

At age 50, I resigned from a very secure job that I was really good at for the “possibility of creating something amazing.” 

My journey was initially inspired by Mary Oliver’s Summer Day-  “what do you want to do with this one wild and precious life.”

The question- “what will the world miss out on if you do not do this?” is what got me to take action.

I was asked many times last week at the American Conference for Physician Health - “How did I do this?”

“What are the steps?”

“What do I recommend?”

There were no checklists or steps to success.

There was bravery, courage and fear.

There was trust. Trust that I could figure it out.

And a commitment to support myself “well” with coaching, self compassion, and mindfulness.

I had no certainty it would work out.

I did not know a pandemic was coming. 

I believed I could and then I did.

I made a decision and had my own back. 

It worked out. 

I created Pause & Presence.

Which is amazing.

My journey was not easy.

It was risky and full of uncertainty.

It required immense courage, bravery and belief.

And it was beyond worth it.  For me and for so many others. 

I encourage you to allow yourself to see and connect with your current dreams. 

They may be stillness or peace.  They may be big dreams or small ones. 

Your desires may require changes in thinking or they may require big changes.

Ask yourself “what do you want to do with this one wild and precious life.”

Ask yourself “what will the world (and you and your family) will miss out on if you do not act upon your dreams and desires” 

Grow courage. 

Believe in yourself.

Gift yourself support. 

And get started making your dreams and desires happen.


Elegant Leadership


“Intentions are Guardrails for Our Thoughts”