Discomfort Does Not Equal Unsafe


Unfamiliar things and situations are almost always uncomfortable.

The discomfort comes because you haven’t done it before.

It does NOT mean it’s dangerous.

Notice if your default thought pattern is that discomfort means it’s not safe, something is wrong, and/or you should step away, retreat, or not pursue something you really want to.

This is an especially common thought among those who practice medicine.

We were taught that discomfort was an important alert.

That discomfort very well might mean “dangerous,” and that hypervigilance is needed.

Very often the best course of action was making a change to something comfortable.

Fear and excitement are closely related emotions.

Discomfort happens when we grow and learn new things.

Don’t shy away from discomfort.

On the other side of discomfort is very often fun, growth, and change.

Don’t miss out just because you are uncomfortable.

On the other side of discomfort is fun.


Slow Down and Savor


Nourishment is An Often Missed Ingredient to Effective Change