Give at least as much airtime to the positive

Satisfied is something that feels elusive to so many of us.

Especially high achieving women professionals.

We are primed to remember what went wrong, what we didn’t get accomplished, and where we fell short.​

What you practice grows

When we practice noticing all that's wrong, we practice feeling discontent.

When we practice presence and feeling satisfied we are not tricking our brains but training them


Take a moment to reflect on what was better than you expected.

What went well?

What did you do well?

What you are proud of?

What have you accomplished?

What have you learned?

Where have you traveled?

These lists are not pollyanna.

They are not toxic positivity or lying to yourself.

They are not a gratitude list.

These questions help you take ownership of your life and practice feeling satisfied, enough, and proud.

Asking these kinds of questions is a practice.

A learned practice.

One that can't be forced.

But can be authentic and natural.

And a practice-

Of mindfulness, appreciation, kindness,

and noticing.

When you learn to give at least as much airtime to the positive (or even neutral)

rather than to the negative --



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