“I Like It” Is Permission Enough


What if no explanation or justification were needed?

What if you could wear a shirt because you like it?

Work somewhere because you like it?

Change careers because you like something different?

We allow ourselves to like different foods because we like them.

What if we dropped the constant convincing and explaining and gave ourselevs and others permission to do, wear, eat things because we like them?

Most humans are good people.

What we “like” is fine, equally good, and won’t harm anyone.

In fact often pursuing what we like, wearing what we like, creating things we like, makes the world a richer, better, brighter more interesting place.

Doing things because you like them, without justification, explanations, or convincing is not selfish or indulgent.

It is simple. Energetically inexpensive. Time efficient.

- With thanks to one of my Sagrada sisters.


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