“It’s a gift to be sitting where I am right now.”

51 is what I am now.

My mind and my heart says it is totally “different” than 50.

I was prepared for 50 a year ago.

I didn’t feel prepared for 51.

When I look back at all that I did last year “Of course” 51 feels different “Of course” I feel unprepared.

This past year was a year of massive action and decision-making for me.

A year of owning and accepting myself exactly as I am. It was a year of choosing discomfort as the price of growth.

A year of transformation.

A year of becoming the next version of myself.

It was the year I took responsibility for my own dreams.

A year of discovering that on the other side of discomfort is amazing.

But not all the time.

It was the year, I stopped worrying about disappointing others.

And the year I stopped disappointing myself.

It was the year, I started trusting myself.

And risked sharing who I was Including all my experience and my wisdom.

With passion.

To help others and help myself.

I became a different kind of healer

And starting making a different contribution.

By being a different kind of teacher

a different kind of leader

a different kind of mother

a different kind of partner

All during a different kind of year

In what has became a much different kind of world.

I believe we are each meant to walk our own authentic path. Walking it is not easy.

Showing up for your life in this way is work.

It is also a gift.

For you and for me and for everyone we share this world with.

Different isn’t “old.” And unprepared isn’t bad.

It’s exciting. It’s part of my journey.

I would love to have you join me.


We All Have Wisdom and Beauty to Share.


You Are Not Alone in Struggling