You Are Not Alone in Struggling

You are not alone in struggling.

Even when we appreciate and notice the incredible and beautiful in our lives, it doesn’t mean we don’t struggle also.

They often coexist.

Please consider sharing your struggle today —so no one feels alone.

Whether it is all the time, part of the time, or occasionally.

We all struggle.

Struggles do not mean you are broken. It doesn’t not mean there is something wrong with you.

Anxiety, burnout, stress, exhaustion, frustration, sadness, loneliness, guilt, disconnection, feeling stuck, and lack of alignment— in your life, relationships, and/or work — all are part of the journey.

What we do with them is a where our power and control lies.

Intentionally noticing and being present with them and choosing how you respond to them leads to different results and life experiences than indulging in them and staying stuck.

For most of us this takes -

a willingness to get help

a willingness to change

a willingness to see the costs of staying stuck

a willingness to invest time, money and energy in changing ourselves

When you make intentional changes in your thoughts, the struggles begin to lessen.

Life is still 50/50 but you begin get unstuck.

You see possibilities.

Coaching and mindfulness are tools.

Tools and strategies that help you to change your thoughts.

They help you intentionally choose how you want to experience this “one wild and precious life” — struggles and amazing and all.

What is possible when you decide to get help and begin to shift your thoughts ....

“Somehow in the midst of the Covid 19 crisis with my husband on the front lines, I myself working, helping my children adjust to remote learning and physically distancing, and one word stands out - Abundance. Truly, during a global pandemic I have a sense of abundance.”

“Thank you for helping me see the power of my own mind but more importantly the power I needed to take back my life.”

It “helped me to overcome the feelings of overwhelm and helplessness, to be present, find joy in small moments, the positive in every situation, and even calm in the chaos of every day life. —I feel more free, living as the authentic me. I am so grateful for the peace she has brought to me and ultimately my family. My heart and mind are forever grateful. ”

“When I started, I was anxious, unsettled and unhappy with my job as I was seeking perfection (because that was the “responsible” thing to do). But since working with you, almost immediately I am calmer, more relaxed not only about work but in my relationships as well. I get to decide how I want to feel not how people make me feel.

Nothing is overwhelming. Everything is manageable.”

We all struggle and it’s possible to struggle less.


“It’s a gift to be sitting where I am right now.”


A Mindful Reflection