We All Have Wisdom and Beauty to Share.

Yet so many of us continue to hide.

What is holding you back from showing up and sharing your wisdom and beauty with the world?

Associating fear with danger?

Fear of judgement and rejection?

Fear of being seen?

Fear of failure?

Fear of making a mistake?

Fear of disappointing others?

Self doubt?

Fear of uncertainty?

Fear of the unknown?

All of these held me back.

Then I learned that fear doesn’t mean you are doing it wrong or shouldn’t do it.

In fact, it often means you are doing the exact work you need to be doing. The important work.

“Courage is feeling fear and doing it anyway”

This helped me.

What else helped me make decisions and start living more authentically and intentionally?

Accepting and allowing the fear.

Welcoming it along for the ride.

Realizing that fear and excitement are cousins.

Asking empowering questions

What change do you want to see in the world?

What contributions do you want to make?

What feeds your soul?

What might the world miss out on if you stay small and hidden?

What if it is fun?

What if it isn't complicated?

What if there is no wrong decision?

How long do you want to keep creating the same results you have right now?

What would your future self tell you to do?

In the end, would you rather have regret or rejection?

Focusing on thoughts of abundance instead of scarcity

Focusing on the wealth of options.

Focusing on people that love you.

Noticing the wealth of talent and experience and training you already have

Realizing that now is the perfect time to do something new.

Approaching decisions mindfully and intentionally.

No longer searching for the “ right” answer.

Seeing that regret and self doubt are choices.

Having my own back 100 percent after making a decision.

No longer allowing myself to 2nd guess myself.

Getting help made the journey much more beautiful and even fun.

I highly recommend it.


Presence and Allowing


“It’s a gift to be sitting where I am right now.”