“It's Fun to Have Fun But You Have to Know How”

“It's Fun to Have Fun But You Have to Know How”

---The Cat in the Hat

This quote was shared at a zoom 70th birthday party today for my husband's “fun” aunt Jean. Based on the family stories told, and from what I know personally of her over the last 34 years, she has shown her whole family “how to have fun” for a lifetime.

What was brought up however, is that not everyone excels at having fun.

Many of us struggle with how to have fun. Including me, until recently.

I have always been exceptional at projects, working hard, achieving….. But experiencing true fun often eluded me.

It turns out that fun is a mindset.

Coaching and mindfulness not only taught me how to be at peace and content but also to have fun.

Babies and kids demonstrate why fun is a mindset. Without the "shoulds" and the limiting beliefs and expectations, fun is much more accessible. When you are fully in the moment, fun happens much more readily.

Not all the time. Life isn't supposed to be fun all the time. But life can be fun much more of the time if you decide you want it to be.

Coaching teaches you that it is possible to have fun regardless of external circumstances.

That happiness and experiencing fun are an inside job.

That nothing outside of you has to change for you to have fun.

You can decide - from within- how you want to experience the world.

I learned that when I stopped trying to change my circumstances and change others in order to be happy, I was much happier.

When I stopped telling stories about the past that didn’t serve me, the current moment was much better.

When I stopped worrying about the what if’s in the future and started believing anything is possible, anything was possible.

When I made decisions based on what I truly wanted instead of what I thought “ I should want ” I found incredible freedom --and FUN.

Coaching and mindfulness helped me see what I truly wanted and why.

And empowered me to intentionally decide to live authentically. This doesn't mean my life is all rainbows and unicorns but I am transformed. I experience much less angst, overwhelm, frustration, and much more freedom and fun.

Working with a coach helped me understand that I was completely responsible for my own happiness.

Since most of life’s circumstances cannot be changed in the moment - insert COVID 19- having fun requires mindfulness, accepting of what is, presence an intentional decision to experience fun.

Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, you always have the power to change how you think about what is happening.

If you decide you want to have fun, you can.

I wish for all of you more fun.

“It's Fun to Have Fun But You Have to Know How”

If you are like me and weren’t born as the “fun” one, you can change. Reach out if you want help.


"Jedi Master"


What It's Like On the Other Side