Life is Full of First Days

"Life is full of first days.

What could today be the first day of for you?"

This was in an email I got this morning- serendipitous...

One year ago today was the first day of my sabbatical after 18 years as a pediatrician.

Some scheduled time to pause and be present.

A pause that ultimately led me to shift gears and start Pause and Presence Coaching.

A pause that led me to step into "my own lane" and "come alive."

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that. The world needs people who have come alive."

A year ago was the first day for me of choosing a different path. One that veered in a different direction.

"We are all on different paths at different times to different dreams."

This new path fulfilled my passion for helping people transform their lives and relationships beyond what I was able to do in the exam room.

This new path allowed me to provide the specific help for others that I had so desperately needed for myself a few years earlier.

Coaching and mindfulness changed everything for me and I was called to share them with others who were successful on the surface yet struggling underneath. Help others simplify their lives, discover calm and peace, eliminate the unnecessary drama, and live and love better.

I have previously reflected on why a doctor would become a life coach before. I wanted to "doctor" in a different way. Mindful coaching teaches you to harness the power of your mind to heal and grow and transform in ways you never imagined possible. It empowers you to be able to make all the other changes you decide you want in your life whether they be to optimize your health, your career, or your relationships. The ripple effects of this work are magical.

A year ago today turned out to be the first day of a new beginning for me.

I see every day now as "a first day."

What could change for you if you adopted this approach?

First day of breathing more deeply.

Finding calm.

Being more present.

Feeling connected.

No longer hanging onto resentment.

Experiencing more joy.

If this sounds good, reach out.


Our Call to Experience Joy


What If It Turns Out Better Than You Expect?