Our Call to Experience Joy

Most of us will celebrate next week.

I want to offer that even when it’s not a holiday we should all celebrate anyway. little and big things.

A colleague in medicine explained the value of celebrating wins this morning in a way that resonated with me in a whole new way.

I grew up in a family where celebrating wins was considered bragging or gloating. You “should” be humble and keep working hard silently towards the next goal.

I realized this morning that this is NOT a mindful way to live.

It is mindful to notice and acknowledge your wins and to celebrate.

I always say you should choose with intention what serves you, your loved ones, and the world.

Celebrating serves everyone.

It t helps others see what possible and be inspired. But it also brings joy. And positivity. And helps others feel joy and be more positive.

It is a way to help others and bring more healing and goodness to the world.

Our unmanaged minds, our not mindful minds, habitually see what is not working and what is problematic. Especially physician minds. It’s part of our training to see what’s wrong and where we fall short rather than where we have been and what we have accomplished.

Mindfully noticing and being aware of our wins, good things, and celebrating them trains our brains to see what IS working. And it brings joy and connection and positivity.

We all need a little more of that right now.

As Rhonda Magee said- “it is our call to experience joy even as we work towards solutions.”

What if you made a habit of stopping at least once a week to celebrate?

What if we treated celebrating success and wins like gratitude? And made it a daily practice.

As my colleague pointed out, we would all be more positive people. Our moods would be better.

We would be more excited about the future.

It would be easier to weather storms.

And we would be better able to help others do the same.

So join me in celebrating something today.

What can you find to celebrate- big, small"?

Let’s inspire each other, bring more joy, and positivity into the world.

Don’t wait for Thanksgiving, a birthday, or an anniversary. Celebrate now. The world needs it.


Another Pandemic Moment


Life is Full of First Days