Another Pandemic Moment

We find ourselves in yet another “pandemic moment.”

Covid rising, several people in my circles exposed this week, thanksgiving plans canceled.

Fear, overwhelm, and exhaustion mounting for many that I coach and almost everyone in healthcare.

What’s in our control is how we show up for this moment and for each other.

How do you want to show up?

With love.

With presence.

Perhaps even with joy when possible.

“It’s our call to experience enjoy even as we work towards solutions.” -Rhonda Magee.

When we show up with love, joy, and presence it helps us navigate the storms with more ease.

How will you wish you had shown up?

I was inspired to share this again by a client of mine who is an ER physician.

I wrote it originally last spring -a different moment in time.

A Moment In Time- By Jessie Mahoney

Every moment is just that - a moment.

We make each moment so much more than just a moment. Our brains make each moment mean something.

Without intention or consciousness, we give moments an adjective or a story. The adjective changes the moment. It is where our control and our happiness lie.

This moment could be:

A defining moment

An overwhelming moment

A chaotic moment

A tragic moment

A pivotal moment

An opportune moment

An inspiring moment

An interesting moment

A special moment

A loving moment

A moment of connection

A moment of awe

A healing moment

A growing moment

A life-changing moment

A mindful moment

A moment of pause

A moment of presence

The moment you shifted course.

It is up to you how you choose to describe and thus experience each moment.

Be intentional.

The moment happens either way.

I didn’t learn this until recently.

Choosing your moment and your life experience isn’t our habitual tendency. It comes through coaching and it takes me back to Mary Oliver yet again -

“What is it you want to do with this one wild and precious life?”

It is made up of moments.

Choose your adjective well.

May you all be well.

May you all be safe.

May you love and be loved at this moment.

If you need help showing up with positivity, love, and presence in this moment, help is out there. Reach out. Changing your thoughts changes everything.


Mindful Families


Our Call to Experience Joy