“Life Isn’t About Waiting For the Storm to Pass, it is About Learning to Dance in the Rain.”

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.”

This is one of my favorite quotes.

I am lucky and so grateful to be a coach right now. In this unprecedented moment in time, coaching tools are the antidote to the overwhelm, chaos, underlying buzz of anxiety, and the lack of control.

Coaching makes a difference. It helps physicians risking their lives daily at work, it helps 70 year olds sheltering in place, and it helps me.

I got an email today from a physician client who works in the ICU. She wrote to thank me for taking her from a place of “helplessness to a place of feeling empowered. In just one hour.”

We are all human.

We all feel some degree of anxiety, fear, stress, and a lack of control in the face of a pandemic.

Intentionally allowing the anxious feelings, choosing our thoughts, and managing our minds are tools to help us feel more calm, empowered, hopeful, and focused. When we are able to tap into calm, empowered and focused, we are able to show up as the best version of ourselves, for our loved ones, our children, our colleagues, our patients, our neighbors, and our world.

I hope you all choose to work on "dancing in the rain" through this storm.


When You Can't Go Outside, Go Inside


A Chance to Grow