When You Can't Go Outside, Go Inside

In the midst of chaos and uncertainty we have opportunity.

An opportunity to change ourselves and our thinking. An opportunity to choose to be more present and intentional now and going forward.

What could you learn from looking inside?

Instead of focusing on anxiety, worry, fear and anger about what is happening outside and around you, what if you used this moment to work on yourself?

Find compassion for yourself. Stop beating yourself up or holding yourself to a standard of perfection.

Connect with what and who is most important to you right now, in this moment of time. What brings you joy? What brings you peace?

It is more clear than ever right now that life is precious. Use this coronavirus wake-up call to get started on figuring out how you can start to create a life that is the most meaningful it can be for you. Don’t wait for the right time in the future. This crisis is here to tell us all to start right now.

In coaching we say “start by starting.” Imagine what a beautiful world we will create.


Parenting Amidst the Chaos of Coronavirus - An Unexpected Opportunity


“Life Isn’t About Waiting For the Storm to Pass, it is About Learning to Dance in the Rain.”