Mindful Love Tips

Relationships are beautiful and often also messy.

Those we love don't always do things as we think they “should.” 

Just like we don't do things the way they think we should.

Mindfully remembering that other people get to make their own decisions.

And that their decisions aren’t usually about us at all.

They are about them.

Just like our decisions aren’t usually about them.

Because we love these people, we get frustrated sometimes.

In the spirit of creating more love in the world,  here are some “Mindful Love” tips:

I try to focus on what is in my control:

What I chose to think about their decisions.

What I decide to say and 

What I decide to do.

I ask myself-

What would love do?

What would compassion do?

What do I want to do?

I stay away from what I think I “should” want to do or what I want them to do.

What do I usually want to do in these moments of frustration?

Show up authentically and with love.

Without judgment.

Take deep breaths.

Pause and am present. 

Be intentionally curious.

And show grace and compassion for me and for them.

From here, it’s much easier to find humor, love, 

and connection.

If you want to learn more tips to transform your struggling relationship to a much more easeful and connected one, join me for Mindful Love starting March 15th. Find out more and sign up here.


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