My Greatest Teacher


“Little did I know in the end you would be one of my greatest teachers. I love how life always gives us what we need most. And life gave me you.”-- Janet Archer

Mindfulness and coaching allow me to see this and then to live it with those I love.

Once again I am back to my guiding words for 2021– love, abundance, grounded, and proud.

When I chose these words I did not understand how they would —and should —seep deeply into every nook and cranny of my life.

Love is always the way.

What would love do in a neurodiverse relationship?

Love would honor me, my personality and wishes and desires, and lived experience.

Love would wish and want and hope and be frustrated, sad, and irritated sometimes.

Love would let my husband be exactly who he is . Without judgment or needing him to be more like I want them to be.

What would abundance do in a neurodiverse relationship?

Abundance would notice what works and what I love about him—exactly as he is.

Love and abundance notice

They show me and teach you where you need and want to grow as a human yourself.

When I feel triggered or confused —a grounded response is to realize I am human and so is he.

When I am proud and grounded— I am not a victim.

And he is not a villain-—-which of course he is not.

Seeing him as a partner and/or teammate who has different ideas or strategies to win, succeed, and love feels much better.

Choosing to put down the heavy backpack of struggle in my marriage has been life-changing.

I wish it for all of you.

Magic happens when you do.

If you want a guide to help you get there. Reach out.


If You Want Gardens, Become The Gardener


My Neurodiverse Marriage