“Nothing gets integrated in a crowded mind “


Or in a crowded space. Or with crowded energy.

This is why I infuse mindfulness and minimalism into all my work at Pause and Presence.

I am a minimalist- when it comes to stuff AND coaching.

Minimalism is not NOT doing things.

It is not NOT having things.

Minimalism is being selective, mindful, and intentional about what you DO and what you HAVE.

Minimalism is acting with purpose and choosing to do only things that have meaning and impact FOR YOU. Minimalism is cutting out the fluff and all the noise. It is responding and not reacting. Making choices from inner knowing and true desire, not fear of missing out.

This can be not buying more yoga pants, letting go of frustration about things that are out of your control, giving yourself permission not to watch videos, or joining more “programs” with bells and whistles.

Our brains are trained to consume. They think more is better. Super size is better.

That doing it "our way" isn't the right way.

That it can’t be simple or spacious or easy.

One of my clients this week- after just two sessions of 1:1 coaching, has found tremendous relief.

After working through just a few of my coaching worksheets, worksheets specifically chosen for her, she reported “things are so much better." Most of her shifts actually came from variations of a single coaching concept.

This is what good coaching with a right fit coach can do for you. It can be simple.

Our brain tells us bigger courses with the most famous people will help. That watching more videos, doing more worksheets, and attending more calls will move us faster and farther

Not in my experience. Less moves me faster. When I do things with the intent to “make the most of something I always get less out of it."

Course or conferences with more sessions more people more offerings and more CME are usually not better for me.

Small is better for me. Personal connection is better for me. Time to integrate is better for me.

Knowing yourself is the secret.

Honoring you is key.

Consistency is key.

Integration is key

Enjoying the experience is key

Feeling inspired and hopeful is key

Connection is key.

Beyond that for most of us more creates noise and confusion

All of this is why I still choose to offer 1:1 coaching.

It is why my groups don’t meet every week

It is why my courses don't have "modules" and lots of videos to consume

It is why I limit enrollment in my communities and my retreats.

It is why I encourage my clients to be selective in what worksheets they explore

Minimalism is mindful, intentional, simple, efficient, streamlined, and purposeful.

Clients continue to work with me long-term because of this approach.

Because of the conversations, the connection, the clarity, the simplicity, and the ease.

They appreciate the lack of noise and lack of fluff.

They love epiphanies, insight, integration, and pleasure that come from growing, learning, and being in a calm and not crowded space.

What the love most of all— no longer having a crowded mind.


Figuring It Out is Not A Strategy


What Holds You Back From Your Dreams