What Holds You Back From Your Dreams


What held me back from living into my own dreams was a habitual association that fear meant "danger."

I was also uncomfortable being visible and vulnerable.

Possible negative “what if’s” felt overwhelming.

I didn’t want to be judged, rejected, or make a mistake.

I didn’t want to disappoint others or myself.

I was afraid of uncertainty and the unknown.

These are all common human beliefs and thought patterns.

They hold almost all of us back from our dreams.

Are any of them part of your story?

These thought patterns are particularly strong in high achievers who work in professions where a path to success is laid out for you -- if you work hard enough.

Noticing these habitual, unhelpful thoughts, and not necessarily true thoughts is the first step.

And then… you can mindfully and intentionally learn to shift these thoughts to more useful ones. Ones that help you move towards your dreams without urgency or push.

What helped me make this shift -





My intentional approaches and strategies included accepting and allowing the fear. Welcoming fear along for the ride.

Realizing that fear and excitement are cousins. They almost always come together.

And my favorite —asking myself helpful questions.

What feeds my soul?

What might the world miss out on if I stay small and hidden?

What if the journey to my dreams is actually fun?

What if it isn't as complicated as it seems?

What if there is no wrong decision?

Three of the most useful questions on my journey so far have been:

How long do I want to keep creating the same results I have right now?

What would my future self tell me to do?

Will I have regret?

A coach helps you make these shifts more easefully.

They guide you on the path to being more mindful, 

intentionally noticing, 

nourishing yourself well,

asking good questions, 

and choosing to learn and allow.

Coaching is what got me here,

and it is what will help me get there - living into my next dream.

Coaching is literally an investment in dreams come true. 

May all your dreams begin to come true too.


“Nothing gets integrated in a crowded mind “


Your Future Self Will Thank You