Practice Pleasure

​Most of us were not taught to even consider seeking pleasure as a productive and worthwhile endeavor.

I wasn't taught to consider pleasure in my planning at all.

Until recently, it was never on my "to do," my "want to do", or my priority list.

I was taught to make decisions to learn and grow. To solve problems. To make the world a better place.

I got the message that pleasure is indulgent rather than a tool.

Pleasure can make a big difference.

It can be as simple as experiencing a delicious long, slow deep breath. Or a few minutes lying on or walking barefoot in the grass.

It can also be as simple as pausing and noticing the pleasure that already exists in our lives.

We very often engage in pleasurable activities but miss the pleasure.

We move too quickly. We are distracted. We are not present.

You must pause and be present in the moment to experience pleasure.


True vs Fake Pleasure


Pleasure is Safety for Your Nervous System