
“Maybe the journey isnt so much about becoming anything. Maybe it is about un-becoming everything that isn’t you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”- anonymous

A friend and colleague shared this quote with me yesterday.

It spoke to me.

Like minimalism

Clearing out clutter- emotional and physical clutter.

It creates space.

Letting go of the heaviness allows growth and discovery.

And allows you to show up closer to you.

That’s when the good stuff happens.

Un-becoming is what coaching, yoga and mindfulness are about.

They a help you “see,” notice, and become aware of what “isn't you.”

They help you let go of it- the thoughts and stuff and .... that are getting in your way,

weighing you down,

holding you back,

keeping you stuck.

So a shinier, lighter and more peaceful you can emerge.

It’s an amazing journey.

To un-become and begin to shine, connect, and love again —as you.

Being you is where you make the biggest impact, serve others and the world the most, and find joy and contentment in your life— just as it is.

I look forward to a world full of more shine.

Where all of you become you again.

That’s when the magic happens.




Abundance & Love