When the World Turns Upside Down

Been coaching up a storm this week and what is abundantly clear is that when the world turns upside down, it is a call for many to connect with our true priorities in life.

When we are faced with fear, when we get out of our usual habits and routines, and when our mortality seems much more real, almost everyone becomes more mindful.

Each of our specific priorities are slightly different. But when you peel back why we each want whatever we want, it is usually because we want to feel compassion, inner peace, and a connection to others. In this way, we are alike.

The opportunity in this moment is for each of us to choose to think thoughts that help us feel this way — right now wherever you are and whomever you are with. You can choose to feel compassion for yourself and others, inner peace and connection.

I have been helping a lot of clients think about and work through tough relationships where they have differences in opinions and different ideas about how things “should” be and how others “should” behave.

There is a lot of life changing thought work for most of us to do on our relationships. When we change our thinking, our relationships change. It only takes one.

Why continue to choose to live our lives feeling resentment, anger and frustration when better alternatives are available?

To get you started, what if you let go of focusing on your differences and what isn’t right. And instead focus on the ways you are “just like” them— wanting safety, health, love, inner peace, and connection.

“What we have today is what we have today.”

Just as it is flawed, it can also be viewed as perfect.


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