Sometimes bad things put us directly on the path to good things

Sometimes the bad things put us directly on the path to good things.

This was true for me.

I found myself at a low point a few years back-

Feeling burnt out in my career- even if it looked great on the outside.

Struggling in my marriage- even as we were celebrating more than 30 years together.

My husband struggling with his own mental health and sense of purpose. My teens being teens. And much more….

I felt stuck, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Pushing harder to find solutions… yet not seeing them or finding them.

Then I went back to regular yoga practice

and discovered coaching.

Starting with one breath at a time- on my mat,

and one thought at a time- in my head,

with the help of a coach and going back to being mindful,

I got here.

To a place of calm and presence, most of the time.

To a place where my marriage is much better.

My parenting is much better.

Where I am much healthier.

And happier.

And more connected to all those I love.

Living in alignment.


Feeling alive and engaged.

And energized.

Life is not perfect by any means - that is not how it is supposed to be.

I like to call it “mostly good.”

“Mostly good” allows my brain to relax and enjoy the ride.

It's actually way better than “mostly good.”

Even in the midst of a pandemic and lots of suffering and inequity in the world.

Even when my husband struggles or I do

Or my 3 young adult children don't act as I think they should.

It's mostly good because, no matter what is swirling around me or coming next, I am able to find internal relief quickly and navigate the bumps and twists and turns more easefully.

The combination of coaching and mindfulness was so transformative for me, I found myself called to support others on this journey.

Calm, and presence,

Better connections with those you love,


And more ease,

Are all available to you.

You just have to know how to find them.

Helping you find them is what I do.

Through coaching and yoga.

Reach out if you want help.


The Right Time


How to Find Calm and Presence