Yoga and Coaching: Both Inspire Pause and Presence

One year ago today, I became a certified yoga teacher.  Wow, has my life transformed since then! 

Yoga teaches you the importance of the pause, the meaning of true presence, and the power of intention and acceptance.  It also teaches you to be curious without judgement. Through yoga training, I learned about my authentic self, my purpose, and what brings me joy.  This exploration changed me and how I show up in the world— for myself, my children, my husband, my physician colleagues, my patients, my yoga students, and now my coaching clients.

Yoga training led me directly to coach training because of the philosophic parallels and my love of teaching and learning.  Yoga and coaching are both about pause and presence, showing up with authenticity, compassion, clarity and intention.  They are both about clearing the mind chatter and mind clutter and clarifying your intentions.  Both guide you to “choose your choice”— which means taking ownership of your life, all of it, exactly as it is.   From this place, you see possibilities and opportunities.  

I never expected I would be teaching yoga to my community or my colleagues.  I never expected that I would be the one sharing breathing and the health benefits of yoga and mindfulness with my patients and families and physician colleagues.  I also never expected to be a life coach.  I am humbled and inspired by the opportunities evolving to guide other amazing people who want to create happier, healthier relationships and a more intentional and meaningful life.  

I am grateful to yoga and coaching for showing me “me,"  helping me see what’s possible, and inspiring me to be an inspiration for others on this journey.  

#pauseandpresence, #whatspossible 


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