Crazy Possibilities

I definitely did not expect or believe that it could be possible that I would be teaching yoga to physicians in Bora Bora when I graduated from yoga teacher training just over a year ago.

Just two years ago, as many of you know from my previous post, I felt like I was drowning as a busy pediatrician, overextended physician leader, mom of 3, and wife of someone battling severe depression.

“Be an example of what is possible” has been my recent mantra. My mind has become open to crazy possibilities. I have learned to believe hard. And look what happened!

In addition to teaching yoga in the most beautiful place I have ever been, I made new friends and strong connections with an incredible and diverse group of women doctors from all over the US. I made massive strides on my own personal growth. And cherry on top- I got to teach yoga in paradise.

I could not have imagined that this would have been possible and yet it was.

It is important to the story to appreciate that I did not get to this place in my life quickly or easily. And I didn’t do it alone. I reached out for help and let others help me, including hiring a coach to learn to better help myself. I learned to see and believe in possibilities. I stepped out of my comfort zone and started showing up for available opportunities rather than listening to all the many, many reasons why I could not and/or should not. I jumped in, decided to train as a coach, and then created Pause and Presence Coaching.

It is also important to share that I still have many struggles and doubts. Underneath the beauty and opportunity visible in the photos of Bora Bora, I am still a work in progress and I am still learning to let others help me. My personal transformation is and will continue to be ongoing, forever I hope.

We are all on our own journeys and on our own timelines. What I hope is that you are inspired to see what is possible for you. I hope you are inspired to move forward on your own journey to feel better, heal, transform and bloom. I hope it also helps you see what can happen when we lean on and support each other. It brings me great joy to help others along their journey to feeling better and seeing their own possibilities.

I hope each of you finds yourself in beautiful places you never thought possible.

Imagine what could happen if we all started making the choice to be an example of what’s possible?


Infinite Possibilities


Choose to Stop Struggling