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Our Differences Are Our Strength
The birthdays of those you love are a moment to pause and be present and reflect and appreciate.
And as I sat down to do just this, I was inspired by the fact that The Mindful Healers Podcast episode released this week is called “Allowing Joy.”
Some of us have to work at allowing joy, my husband is an expert at it. He does it effortlessly.
May You Find Wonder
“Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is the way of foolishness.
Help them instead to find the wonder
and the marvel of an ordinary life.
May You Find Your Path
A long-time client shared a mantra she has been practicing -- “may I find my path.”
What a kind way to explore your next steps.
Realizing that there is no urgency.
Allowing and giving yourself permission to explore
That is the first step.
Birthday Reflections
If you are going somewhere amazing you can't get there piecemeal.
I NEVER imagined turning 52.
Honestly, it feels great.
I have spent the last few years on an incredible journey to un-become who I was not
and to become who I was meant to be in the first place.
It has not been a piecemeal effort.
It has not been without bumps and struggle and discomfort.
Living Life Luxuriously
Living life luxuriously is not about spas, resorts or “fancy”.
It is an approach.
Living luxuriously is no longer rushing or hurrying.
It is enjoying each moment.
Moving through life with ease.
Getting Help
Getting help has never been an easy thing for me.
I expect this is true for many of you.
My mind likes to tell me I “should” be able to do it all myself.
That self-sufficiency is a measure of strength and adequacy.
That striving and pushing will get me farther.
A Gift
My to-do list became a birthday list or a “gift” to myself list.
Next week is my birthday and what I most wanted I realized when I listened to my heart- was to NOT have a lot of stuff on my to-do list. To declutter the to-do list.
To have the peace and freedom that would come from having it done.
So I changed my to-do list- to a birthday list.
One I would do FOR ME as a gift.
Discover Peace
It’s possible to go from struggling
to managing
to living more easefully
to feeling engaged and connected.
Advice for a life better lived...
Eat happy. Get a routine baggy enough to live in. Be kind.
Accept that not everyone will like you. Appreciate those who do.
Kindness and Possibility
From a place of kindness to self
so much more is possible.
And when we see possibilities
so much more is possible.
May you all live a life filled with kindness and compassion to yourself
It’s so much better than being mean to yourself.
It’s more kind and almost always leads to even more efficiency and productivity.
Change Your Worry Gene
My nickname used to be “Mama Bear.” And it wasn’t a term of endearment.
I have become a much more loving "Mama Bear" through mindfulness.
Now I show up most of the time with love, calm, compassion, presence, acceptance, and connection
rather than worry, stress, and anxiety, even in very stressful situations.
Like An iPhone Upgrade
The old versions were great AND the new versions work faster and often function much more smoothly.
Less wasted time and energy.
Not without hiccups but definitely with less churn.
And they are often lighter, easier to carry, and easier to use.
Their cameras see and capture beauty better than the previous versions.
You Don't Get "There" Piecemeal
If you are going somewhere amazing you can’t get there piecemeal.
“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”- Plato
Choose to create a well “whole.”
Heart, spirit, body, and mind.
This is the why of mindful coaching. This is the why of mindful yoga. And the why of my coaching and yoga retreats.
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